Why should you get a faster electric vehicle charger?
Today’s people's life is busy and so fast that they cannot wait for a whole day to charge their electric vehicle for a drive. Electric vehicle user wants a fast charging option, so there remains no hindrance while completing their daily jobs. It will be so irritating when you are driving through the office, and the battery of your car gets low or dead. Companies are started introducing fast charging options to charge an electric vehicle at a fastest rate. Like Nissan, they manufactured their own fast charging system with electric cars.
Fast charging will also lead to an increase in the sales of electric vehicles. Companies are looking for advanced technologies that will cost less to people and will charge vehicles in a short time of just 30 mins to 1-hour duration. For this fast charging mission, they have to improve the battery chemistry and make innovations.
Are you looking for the best fast charging options for your electric vehicle? We are going to discuss the different charging options for your EV. Whether you like to install a charging system at home or in some commercial area you can choose between below mentioned charging option, i.e. level 1 charging, level 2 charging and DC charging.
Level 1 Charging
Level one charging is the simplest way of charging with easy installation, which helps for plug in your car into the charging slot. Level one charging is the slowest method to charge your car because it took almost 22 hours to give a full charge that means per hours charging gives a 4.5-mile range.
It will seem to be the most boring charging option for many people because everyone wants fast charging. However, do not worry it is not that bad like you are thinking about level 1 charging. In normal routine nobody use all the car battery at once, you may drive 35 to 40 miles in a day to reach the office or going for grocery. According to 40 miles driving, the level 1 charger will take almost 9 hours in charging, so plug in your charger at night and it will be fully charged in the morning.
But yes if you drive more in a day or when you are on traveling, it will take enough time in charge. And when your car runs for about 70 to 90 miles, it will take 20 hours to charge so the next day you have to use another car to carry out routine work. It will cause inconvenience for many people.
If there is EV charging facility at your office, then you can charge your vehicle when working about 8 hours. Level one charging will be a good option if you have to use your electric vehicle after every few days and not on a daily basis.
In cold weather, level 1 charger may sometimes fail to maintain the battery temperature required for running. Moreover, level 1 charging use standard home volts, i.e. 120 V. this charger did not require a professional assistant or equipment in the installation. They are a good option for using in the residential area. Level 1 charging is cheapest among other charging options as well.
DC Fast Charging
DC means direct charging, and it is the fastest way to charge anything or electric vehicles. As compared to level 1 charging, which charges 40 miles in 9 hours, a DC charging charges the exact 40 miles in just 10 minutes. But the problem is that this method is expensive and most of the people cannot afford it. DC chargers require intense power supply than your home as well. So people avoid installing DC charger in their homes.
However, these chargers are the best option to install at the public areas so if someone loses charging while heading to the office, clinic or a mall he could use DC charger to charge the vehicle with few minutes. So while having a cup of coffee with your friend, you can charge your car fully with half an hour. It is the fast charging system than level one charging.
It is also called the level 3 charging. People usually want a fast charger that charges the car at a fast rate. For all those people, DC charging will be an excellent option to use.
Level 2 Charging
We have discussed about one slow charging option called level 1 charging and the fastest charging option that is DC charging. Between level 1 charging and DC charging there comes level 2 charging. Level 2 chargers run on 240V, and it is the same amount used by oven and dryers in the home these days. Level 2 charger is efficient in working that it will charge up to 70 miles in just an hour.
Level 1 and level 2 chargers both takes household electricity. You just have to install a socket board for the plug-in purpose. You can install it by yourself or can hire some professional to ensure the safety from short-circuits and other harsh weather conditions.
This is the widely used charging option by both residential and commercial areas. Level 2 charger can charge your vehicle in just 2 to e hours so you can easily charge your electric vehicle while getting back to the office, or eating lunch in a restaurant, and while shopping for home groceries.
Nissan car manufacturer its own level 2 chargers for the user. Other famous levels 2 manufacturers includes Primecom, Bosch, and Siemens.
Are you looking for some fastest electric vehicle charger? Go for Tesla super-fast charging:
If you really looking for a quicker electric vehicle charger go for Tesla fast charging station. Tesla is the number 1 Electric vehicle maker in the market. Tesla after hard working develop the fast chargers of 120 kW. If you own a Tesla electric car or have a Tesla battery in your vehicle, you can enjoy the fast charging for your car at any Tesla charging station. It will just take 20 minutes to charge the battery fully. You can avail this opportunity especially if you are living in the United States. The good thing about its mobile charging stations that it offers adapters with different volts like 12 amp for 120 V and 50 amp for 240 V
How to fast charge your electric vehicle at home:
The most preferable and convenient method for faster charging is installing a level 2 charger at your house. At night one have enough time to leave the car on charging, so it gets ready for a drive when you wake up. Charging at night is cost you cheaper because the electricity rates are lower at late night or midnight.
The good thing about installing vehicle charger at home is that you can save up your money on the installing because government launches its electric vehicle home charge scheme, which cut the installation expense up to 70 percent for those who install an electric charging point at home.
It is suggested to install a level 2 charger at your home to enjoy the fast charging. For level 2 installation, call some professional for fixing the charger to ensure the safety and protection for future losses. There are number of electric charger manufacture companies out there that make and sells electric home fast chargers. You can choose according to which you like the most. Typically, the charger sockets are wall-mounted and use a wire to plug directly into the car.
There are 2 power supply options that most of the companies provide to users. One is of 3 kW and second is of 7 kW. Have you known the difference between a 3Kw OR 7KW chargers? A 7 kW charger has the ability to charge the battery at a faster rate as compared to the 3 kW charger. For example, a 7 kW charger will charge your car in 3 to 4 hours, while 3 kW charger will charge the same battery in 6 to 8 hours.
Fast charging option for offices and business:
A person who work 8 hours in an office and use the electric vehicle, it will be useful for him to recharge his car while he is busy in working. With the increase in sales of an electric vehicle, offices and businesses are started installing charge station to provide the best facility to all employees and visitors. The government also offers a big discount on the installing or charging station in offices and business as it does for residential areas. It cut the total installation cost up to 70 percent, which helps you to saves hundreds of dollars. But keep in mind that every electric vehicle requires a different level of energy so you should install different power charger so everyone can charge his charge easily. You can install 3 kW and 7kw chargers with a different amp. You can choose between wall mounted stations or on-street stations, but the on-street charging stations cost you more than a wall mounted stations.
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